Welcome to the OFFICIAL web page of the South Carolina Genealogical Society!

We are here to provide you with helpful information on the SCGS, as well as provide you with links to information on our individual chapters, other genealogical web sites, research, histories, publications, and much more.

If you wish to contribute genealogical information to our site, with family trees, bible records, diaries, cemetery surveys, county histories, or general information on research in the State of South Carolina, please, feel free to do so. All information made available to our site will belong to the submitter and will be marked copyright in the submitter’s name. We hope you enjoy our site and find our information useful.

 Excerpt from Volume 2 Number 1 of
The Carolina Herald

A staff member of the late Tri-centennial Commission remarked that South Carolinians are more interested in genealogy than in history.  We recognize no conflict between the two. Each subject enhances and enlightens the other; indeed, is part and parcel of the other. We do deplore the image that has been attached to genealogical study by the uninformed: an old folks’ pastime tainted with snobbery.  Genealogy is fun–more fun than a detective story because it deals with real people and events.  And the pleasure is not restricted to those who descend from “old families”. All families are old `families, and South Carolinians, whatever their stripe and whatever their purpose, will find that their ancestors are fascinating folks.

There are lots of things that I wished I had asked my grandparents.
Young people should be attentive to their elders and ask all
kinds of questions every time they can.  If you don’t think
you will remember it, write it down.  Because one of these days,
there won’t be anyone to ask.

Research by the Society

The South Carolina Genealogical Society, Inc. does NOT have a staff to do research. A list of professional researchers (paid research) may be obtained from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Parklane Road, Columbia, SC 29223, or the South Caroliniana Library, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208 and the South Carolina State Library.  Most county libraries also maintain similar lists.

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